The five years I've been able to participate in the Kids Hope program have been very enjoyable.
It seems to do me as much if not more good than it does the kids! It's a great opportunity to become "other centered" as opposed to self centered. I have had the privilege to raise two children of my own and when they were past high school I knew I would miss the wonderful anchor taking care of kids can bring, so KH helped ease me through that. (It's definitely a joy to be able to get to know children in their precious early years.)
And God has shown me that by stepping out in the faith, my schedule not been too terribly impacted. I have been able to see my commitment to the child through and not quit for any personal schedule conflict. That has been easier to do than my fears would have had me believe. I've been fortunate to have two truly wonderful kids to mentor.
And getting to know the other mentors is also a good way of feeling more connected at CA, and developing relationships there. - JC