My first year volunteering as a mentor was eye opening. The kid I was mentoring with didn’t have a father figure around and was dealing with that. He would act up and really get angry. I thought about quitting. I was thinking "this is too much to handle".
But after much thought, I saw myself in him. How sometimes we are going through our own storms and act up but God doesn’t give up on us. He sits with us and lets us know that He is with us through the storm. So on the bad days I just sat with my little guy. As I let him go through his storm, I realized that maybe that’s all he needed, to know that’s it’s okay to feel what he was feeling, and to know I would be with him.
The hour we spent together was so much greater than making sure he did homework or if we read. It was about letting him know that someone was there for him and that they weren’t going to walk out just because things weren’t perfect. He taught me what it really means to show compassion and how important it is to thank God for never leaving us even when we are messy. He and I shared some great times together and I will always be thankful that I got to meet such a wonderful soul. - Natasha