ERE Resources (This is a list of resources complied by a parent from our school)Ideas for teaching about National hispanic heritage month here Education Companies offering FREE subscriptions due to school closings) here . (some require sign in) Kid Path at LA Public Library online.Mystery Science : (No signup required, no student login)Online R obotics classes Here are links to Elementary subjects like Health & Wellness, Literacy, math, science, social science (History), ELD resources, technology and electives. PHYSICAL EDUCATION & ART OFFLINE ACTIVITIES Bake something every day. Write a letter/email to a friend, mentor or family member. Start a puzzle enjoy nature (even in the raiN): go for a walk, play outside, ride a bike/scooter Races in the park/a backyard (hopping on one foot, crab walk, backwards etc) Stop motion animation with play dough Facetime grandparents/friends make a scrapbook of family/friends Write a short story and illustrate it Make tents and reading caves (flashlights, snacks, books and pillows) Have a shadow show in the reading tent Play board games! Organize An area in your room create a comic book flip a coin 10, 20, 100 times to comare heads vs. tails count steps between rooms in your house play “I’m thinking of”… (an animal that is grey and has a trunk…) play the ABC game (the first person says something that starts with a, next person “B” etc) Find geometric shaps in your home (I spy a triangle… many squares can we spot? Dance-a-long videos on YouTube create your own dance moves Practice/Learn a new language with Duolingo or the Library’s Mango Language Find a topic your kid would like to learn about and have them spend 30 minutes a day on that topic If you have a musical instrument, practice!