Hi Cynthia and Crystal-

Thanks for your message about Vanity's eviction notice. I'm so sorry but I've been working on a foster care placement most of the day and am headed out of town to a Silent Retreat; so I can't help at this time. I recommend the following: 

1) Reach out Jill Shook at "Making Housing and Community Happen" in Pasadena: 626-675-1316 or jill@makinghousinghappen.com....or contact Anthony Manousos interfaithquaker@aol.com in the same organization. They mostly work in Pasadena but may be able to point you in a direction to support available in Eagle Rock/Los Angeles. 

2) You can also reach out to LA Tenent's Rights org on Vanity's behalf (I think I put you in touch with Glendale Tenants rights before, but she has an LA zip code). They can provide legal support/advice, but I find their website hard to navigate and I have to call several times to talk to a person. Here's where you can get started: https://housing.lacity.org/renters or 1-866-557-7368. 

3) Or talk with Debbie Garcia who is a friend of Kids Hope: 818-270-7109 or  debbie@ddcm.net who might have Info for a Multi-Family Building in Eagle Rock for low-income families (but this would require them to move).

Keep us posted on how it goes--housing is a big issue for many of our KH families right now, and unfortunately I don't have any real connections that can help at this time. Of course we can pray and believe God can get you connected to the right person! 
