Today's Date
Name (first, middle, last)
Cell Phone
Daytime Phone
Home Phone
Current Address
Email Address
If you have lived at your current address less than seven years, provide information on all addresses during that period. (Needed for Criminal History Check)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
List all other names by which you have ever been known.
Birth Date
Drivers License #
Job Title?
Languages Spoken?
Are you 18 years of age or older?
Length of membership/attendance at Christian Assembly
Home Service?
Sun. 9 AM
Sun. 11:15 AM - North
Sun 11:15 AM - South
Proof of Covid-19 Vaccination:
Not yet, but working on it
T-shirt size?
Women's Small
Women's Medium
Women's Large
Women's 2XL
Women's 3XL
Men's Small
Men's Medium
Men's Large
Men's XL
Men's 2XL
Emergency Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Phone
Emergency Contact Relationship
Reference #1 Name
First Name
Last Name
Reference #1 Email
Reference #1 Phone
How long have you known this person, and how did you meet?
Reference #2 Name
First Name
Last Name
Reference #2 Email
Reference #2 Phone
How long have you known this person, and how did you meet?
Reference #3 Family Member Name
This should be a family relative.
First Name
Last Name
Reference #3 Family Member Email
Reference #3 Family Member Phone
How long have you known this person, and how are they related to you?
Suggested Prayer Partner name
First Name
Last Name
Suggested Prayer Partner Email
Suggested Prayer Partner Phone
Please list previous volunteer activities:
Volunteer Pledge
If I am assigned as a school volunteer, I accept the responsibility to serve in support of the educational program and supplement the work of the professional staff, under their guidance. I understand that it is important to be reliable, channel suggestions constructively, keep information confidential, and comply with school rules. As a member or regular attendee of this church, I agree to be accountable to the leadership of this church regarding my Christian life and witness according to the biblical witness of this Church and in all aspects of conduct and performance related to this volunteer position.
I hereby represent and warrant that the information contained in this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize any references, or any other person or organization, whether or not identified in this application, to give you any information (including opinions) regarding my character and fitness for volunteer service. I understand that a very positive benefit, when working with students, is the relationship developed between the volunteer and student. I take seriously the relationship that will be formed. I agree to a criminal history check (national and/or state level). My initials on this form authorizes you to make such checks and to disclose results to both Church and School personnel as part of the KIDS HOPE USA program. By pressing “submit” on this form I am agreeing to these terms and I am agreeing that the information is provided by the applicant on this form.
Today's Date