Here you will find FAQs related to:

  • Entering the Eagle Rock Elementary school campus, using the Daily Pass

  • Regular Covid-19 testing,

  • Vaccinations,

  • And what to do when you have been exposed to or tested positive for Covid-19.

Daily Pass/Entering Eagle Rock Elementary’s campus: 

·       What is the Daily Pass?

The Daily Pass is a one-stop-shop online tool for students, parents, employees and volunteers who are regularly on campus. Sarah/Crystal will provide instructions for setting up your pass. The Daily Pass allows individuals access to campus, the ability to schedule a COVID-19 test appointment, view test results, submit test records, schedule a vaccination appointment, submit vaccination records and generate a Daily Pass QR code, when they answer the Daily Health Check screening questions prior to arriving at school or a District office. In addition, parents are able to manage the consents for testing for their child within the Daily Pass.

·       What is needed in order to enter the school?

In order to enter a school (or a District office), employees, students, parents/guardians, and visitors must answer the Daily Health Check screening questions. Employees and students will need a negative COVID-19 test result within 14 days of returning to work or to school. In addition, all students and employees will need take a COVID test periodically.

·       Is the use of the Daily Pass going to be mandated for all sites? 

Yes, at this time, ALL campus volunteers will need to have a valid Daily Pass on each day of service.  Volunteers need to have regular COVID-19 tests.  Evans Community Adult School is currently conducting tests for our students, families, and volunteers at NO cost. Each volunteer must sign a liability waiver before entering campus grounds.  There are NO rollover applications. 

The Daily Health Check screening process is also required for all sites. The Daily Pass will support the process by allowing the required daily health questions to be answered before entering a school campus or office. The Daily Pass can be used at all schools and District offices.

There are three reasons why an individual will not get a Daily Pass. There will be different steps to take depending on the reason why you did not get a Daily Pass.

  1. Symptomatic - If COVID-19 symptoms are present, the individual or caregiver must contact their doctor and/or get tested for COVID-19 at an LAUSD testing sites or other non-LAUSD test locations. A COVID-19 test can be scheduled at

  2. Exposure - If the individual was exposed to someone positive for COVID-19 the individual must follow the latest quarantine guidelines.

  3. Tested Positive - If the individual received a positive COVID-19 test result, the individual must follow isolation guidelines until cleared by the Community Engagement team.

Regular Testing: 

Regular Covid-19 testing is required to enter the school. The testing process is simple and we recommend two options: 

1)    Within LAUSD: You can make an appointment using a phone or computer within the district at, at one of the many schools where testing is being provided. Your test result at these locations is added to your daily pass automatically. You can also call the Family Help Desk to make an appointment at (213) 443-1300. The helpdesk is open 6am to 6pm Monday through Saturday for any questions about LA Unified and the pandemic.  

2)     Outside LAUSD: Another option is to use programs outside of the ones LAUSD provides here: (these may be more convenient locations for you-and we will help you take the extra step of uploading your test result to the daily pass before your mentoring session) 

In both cases, there’s a quick check-in upon arrival at the testing site and a clinician will be there to help oversee the process. The test is free and you’ll receive the test result within 24-36 hours via text and email.

All results are kept confidential and stored in a separate, secure database. Information will be shared only with the appropriate scientists, administrators and health authorities. 

·       What type of testing is available at school sites? 

While we recommend the use of nasal swabs, anyone can request a saliva test at all test sites if they prefer. Both tests are what’s known as PCR tests, the gold standard for COVID-19 testing. Los Angeles Unified has contracted with SummerBio and UCLA SwabSeq to provide test kits and lab services. Infiniti Health and AMI Expeditionary Healthcare provide trained staff and mobile testing teams to conduct testing at school sites. 

·       If I miss my appointment, can I reschedule my test?

Yes. Please make sure you cancel your existing appointment using the link in the appointment confirmation email and then reschedule at

·       Why must I be tested if I am vaccinated? 

All in-person students, staff and volunteers will have to participate in baseline and periodic testing, regardless of vaccination status. Testing is an additional layer of protection for all students and staff.

contact the Help Desk at 213-443-1300 and press 2 for Spanish

Please contact the Community Engagement team at for additional guidance.


·       Will the District require volunteers to be vaccinated?

Yes. As part of Los Angeles Unified School District’s efforts to provide the safest possible environment in which to learn and work, all District employees, Partners, Contractors and other adults who provide services on District property will be mandated to be fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 no later than October 15, 2021 as a condition of continued employment/service. 

·       How will the District address concerns from individuals who are vaccine-hesitant?

Educational materials and resources are available in the District’s website at In addition, the Los Angeles Unified Medical Director will provide clear information about the vaccine through a MyPLN course (keyword: COVID Vaccine). 

·       Can a COVID-19 vaccine make me sick with COVID-19?

No. According to the CDC, “None of the COVID-19 vaccines contain the live virus that causes COVID-19 so a COVID-19 vaccine cannot make you sick with COVID-19.” It is important to have trustworthy and accurate information about COVID-19 vaccines. Learn more at:

·       After getting a COVID-19 vaccine, will I test positive for COVID-19 on a viral test?

No. According to the CDC, “Neither the recently authorized and recommended vaccines nor the other COVID-19 vaccines currently in clinical trials in the United States can cause you to test positive on viral tests, which are used to see if you have a current infection.​” Learn more at:

Trustworthy and factual information is available at: 

·       What is the District's implementation timeline for this policy?

All District employees, Partners, Contractors and other adults who provide services on District property will be mandated to be fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 no later than October 15, 2021.

·       Will the District continue COVID-19 testing after the vaccination policy goes into effect? Will testing frequency change for vaccinated volunteers?

Yes. Los Angeles Unified will continue to provide free weekly COVID testing on school campuses for all students, employees and volunteers – both vaccinated and unvaccinated. If infection rates in our community decrease, testing frequency may be reduced, and exemptions for vaccinated individuals may be considered in accordance with medical guidance.

·       What is the reasonable accommodation process that will be followed? 

The process is outlined in LAUSD Policy Bulletin BUL-4569.1. Reasonable medical documentation confirms the existence of the disability and the need for reasonable accommodation. Documentation includes a description of the physical/mental limitations that must be met to accommodate the volunteer and exempt them from vaccination. You will need a note from your doctor, as well as a meeting with Sarah, before we pass this information on to the principal for approval.  

·       Do I have to be vaccinated if I have already had COVID-19?

Yes, you are still required to get vaccinated to be fully protected against getting COVID-19. According to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, it is recommended you get the vaccination as soon as your isolation is over, and your symptoms are gone. 

·       What happens if I am symptomatic? 

If you are symptomatic, please let Sarah/Crystal know immediately. Then log on to make an appointment at or call (213)241-2700 between 6am-6pm. During the booking process, answer “Yes” to “Symptomatic as defined by CDC?” The booking application will route you to test locations that allow for appointments for persons that are symptomatic or exposed to someone with a positive test.

·       What happens if I test positive for Covid-19?

Health authorities require those who have tested positive for COVID-19 to complete an “isolation” period; those who may have been exposed to COVID-19 and do not have symptoms of COVID-19 must complete a “quarantine” period. In practice, isolation and quarantine both mean to stay home and stay separated from others who have not been exposed to COVID-19.

If there are household members of suspected COVID-19 cases who are unvaccinated, they should self-quarantine and monitor for symptoms. It is recommend that even if they are asymptomatic, they should test after day 5 and wait until test results are available. If it is a student or employee, they should contact the Community Engagement team for further instructions. For unvaccinated individuals, it is important to separate them from other people in a household even if they do not have any symptoms.

If the household member is vaccinated, they do not need to quarantine if they do not experience any symptoms.

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, you should call your healthcare provider immediately and make arrangement to be tested for COVID-19. If your household member’s test comes back negative, and you are symptom free, you can discontinue self-quarantine.

If someone at ERE tests positive, the following instructions will be given:

1.     Stay home until at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared and there is no fever for at least 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication). Symptoms such as shortness of breath and cough should also improve before going back to a school site.

2.     Anyone who has a condition that severely weakens the immune system may need to stay home for longer than 10 days. Consult with your healthcare provider.

3.     After completing the isolation period and receiving clearance from the Community Engagement team, students/employees should return to work or school.

If a student, staff or volunteer tests positive, but does not have symptoms, they still must stay home for 10 days after the positive test result. After completing the isolation period and receiving clearance from the Community Engagement team and Kids Hope director volunteers may return to school. Possible remote mentoring options may be offered while you/your student are in isolation. 

**Employees and students who have tested positive for COVID-19 and completed their isolation period should not take another COVID-19 test for 90 days because of the possibility of a false-positive result. An individual who has recovered from COVID-19 may have low levels of virus in their bodies for up to 3 months and may continue to test positive although they are not contagious. After completing the isolation period and receiving clearance from the Community Engagement team, students/employees should return to work or school. Sarah and Crystal will provide support and accessing the Daily Pass during this 90 day period. 

·       Is there a way to keep track of how many positive cases are on the ERE campus each week? 

Yes, to see positive cases at a school site, Kids Hope volunteers can access their school’s COVID Testing Report Card. This Report Card is updated daily and can be accessed here:

Principals, the Community Engagement Team in the Office of COVID Response, and your Kids Hope staff will communicate all necessary information to close contacts who may have been exposed.

An outbreak is a specific event of multiple, linked cases that is determined in partnership with the LA County Department of Public Health. If an outbreak is identified, principals and the school's Compliance Task Force will follow specific protocols to inform the school community.



If you have further questions reach out to your kids hope staff: Or for more detailed information from the district about Covid-19 can be found here: